
Showing posts from April, 2017

From God to Newton and The Reconcilation of Science and Theology

It is common sense that in the so-called “Dark Ages” of the medieval Europe, theology predominated in all the area from theocracy to regalia and became the absolute authority in the spiritual world of European. Science was left no space in the magnificent palace ruled by theology and was seen as heterodoxy. At that time, the conflict in relations between science and theology was serious, or more exactly, the oppression theology put on science was cruel. For instance, Italian philosopher and scientist Bruno because of his insistence on scientific truth was burned at the stake by the Inquisition in Rome in 1600. Great physicist Galileo, for believing in and publicizing Copernicus’ heliocentricism, was put into prison for life.1 Under the great pressure and in the context of Western European fanaticism, there was hardly possibility and space for science to emerge. Up to 17th and 18th centuries, science began to advance rapidly and defeat theology eventually. God became “master not at h

How Technology Advancements Has Its Impact on Us

The advancement of new technology has been taking place since the beginning of human history. From the invention of items like the spear and knives made out of rocks and sticks to aid in the capturing and killing of animals for food, to items like the first printing press and the computer. The question: are the impacts positive or negative? Technology is a word used to collectively describe or portray the advancements, abilities,creations, undertakings, views, and knowledge of a singular group of persons: we as human-kind. The advancement in technology has been exceptionally fast in the 20th and 21st century. With electronic technology and machines being produced and improved all the time, it was very likely that along with the positive aspects of these new advancements, people would also consider the negative aspects and look to criticize new technology. A Positive Side As the old age states "NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION" i.e. necessities tend to spawn inven

Small Business Owners: Utilizing Technology to Improve Profits

If you really want to become more profitable and improve operations in your company, you have to shift your focus from the following limiting thoughts about technology. If I buy the latest production software we will be in good shape We don't do that here We are unique, we don't have competition that use technology to help them generate profits The plan is in my head, people will steal it off the computer All I need is more sales to make more profits You've got to get the right mindset by eliminating restricting thoughts, and then you'll be ready to improve people, processes and profitability. Do you ever wonder how a company can start out with just one idea, a passion and a vision, then 10 to 20 years later have thousands of employees and millions in sales? What did these companies do to become so successful Are the owners smarter than you? Do they work harder than you? Did they have better equipment or people than you? No. But they do use

Key Benefits of a Catholic School Education

There are many reasons why you may be considering a private education for your children instead of allowing them to attend the local public facility. This is especially true of those who are devoutly religious. However, you don't have to aspire to the Catholic teachings to enjoy the benefits of a Catholic school education. Civic Duty While you might not think about it, children who graduate from a private institution are more likely to be involved in civic activities. In fact, in a survey conducted, Catholic school graduates were at the top of those who participated in both civic and community activities. This includes voting, volunteering, and donations to charity. They also spend more time writing letters to legislators than their public school counterparts. Importance of the Arts Unlike public facilities, which are cutting art and music for budgetary reasons, private institutions have them at their center. Things like art, literature, drama, tradition, and music are par

Financial Aid For Graduate School - Educational and Financial Aid For Graduate Students

Today's challenging economy has been very harsh for students who are hoping to attend higher education to further their studies and hopefully, get better jobs upon graduating. But often, various obstacles tend to block this route and this challenge often comes from one object: money. Due to the lack of money, a lot of students can no longer afford graduate school education, while others simply do not have the determination to attend graduate school. Moreover, just when you thought that college is the only most expensive level of learning, wait until you get to graduate school. Pursuing your dreams after college will always remain a possibility, with or without money. The only difference is, it would be better to have your own resources for your school education. When it comes to these cases, this is where financial aid for graduate schooling can help the most. Graduate school is very expensive but if you wish to master your trade, attending it would be the best step; and in ord

Private School Education & College Education - RI Child Support FAQS

In Rhode Island (RI) Divorce and Child support cases, Can I get the father or mother of my child to be ordered to pay for private school education? No, unless there is a contractual obligation, a stipulated consent order or there is an ongoing divorce. Most judges take the position that there are suitable public schools for children to attend. However, If there is something in writing such as a property settlement agreement obligating one parent to pay for the private school education of the child, then the parent may be obligated to pay for the private school education. Article by Rhode island attorney David Slepkow (401-437-1100) Also, the parent could be ordered to pay for private school education in a divorce on a temporary basis, especially when it is in the middle of a school year and it would be disruptive for the child to transfer to a public school. Parents can certainly negotiate payment of private school education and the judge of The Family Court will usually approv